Adding a New Video Track

There are two ways to add a new video track to a project you have already started.

1. Repeat the procedure that you used to add the first video track to the new project. The new video track will then be added to the end of the project.

It is also possible to add a video track to the start of a project or to insert it into the project.

2. To add a video track to the start of the project go to the start of the project. Right click inside the orange video bar. Choose ôInsert beforeö. Select your video file.

3. To insert a video track into your project, go to a video track next to where you want the new video track to appear. Right click inside the orange video bar. Choose ôInsert beforeö or ôInsert afterö. Select your video file.

Important Information about the Location of Source Material

(More information about Timeline controls)

(How to cut a video track)